Sitting In
Sitting In
This project has been the most daunting thus far.
All my life I have been surrounded with music. It is engrained in my family's culture. Even when I left for college, many the friends I have made are musicians.
But somehow all of that confidence in music kinda skipped me. I am nervous when it comes to making my own stuff, so I steer clear of it. Now here we are, and it is my assignment.
I believe, though, that I am involved in the process when others create things. As I said, I am drawn to those who create music and that means I am always around while it is happening. I am a passive player, but I am undoubtedly there.
-Watching. Observing. Listening.-
That is what I wanted to capture in this track, everything that I am exposed to when I sit in among other artists. The mess-ups, collaboration, creativity, and successes.
McLuhan quotes John Cage,
"Everything we do is music."
And I believe it. The entire process we go through when making music is, in fact, music. At least I feel that way. The in-betweens are the most special part to me, because I feel it allows me to see past the "myth" audiences are prone to seeing. Experiencing my friends create something on the spot and messing around with it is humanizing. I connect deeper with what they create because I have been in
the space which allows me to become closer to them and their process.
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